
Mendel’s Law Of Independent Assortment

We all know about Mendel, he was the person who proposed the laws of inheritance. i.e. how characters are transferred from one generation to other. 

Because of his appropriate finding and appropriate results he is now known as father of Genetics. Although the work of Mendel remains unnoticed, for a longer time (some around 34 years). When some other scientists find the same findings about the inheritance only then it was said that Mendel has already declared theses phenomenon of inheritance and explained it in well manner.

Mendel chosen to work on garden pea plant. There was some reasons about it those are also mentioned by Mendel. These reasons include that garden pea plant have a very short life span do that different generations can be studied very easily. They express their genotype in very effective ways. And last but not least, garden pea plants can be grown very easily anywhere and do not required any special treatment to produce its generation or seeds.

After working on garden pea plant Mende concise his work in three laws which include, law of dominancy, law of segregation, and law of independent assortment.

Here we would discuss about Mendel’s law of independent assortment. As its name indicate it is about some independent feature.

While studying second law of Mendel we come to know that during gamete formation alleles are segregated in such a way that each gamete get a one copy of each allele.

In the third law we are going to know that while segregating, these allele move independently from parent cell to gamete. This independent movement means that there is no dominant or receive feature which overlaps or influence the process of independent moving to gametes.

In other words every possible combination of alleles for every gene is equally likely to occur.

“The law of independent assortment states that the alleles of different genes are inherited independently within the organisms that reproduce sexually.”

The independent assortment of genes can be easily demonstrated by the dihybrid cross. A cross between two true breading parents those express different traits of two characteristics.

The law of independent assortment states that the alleles of different genes are inherited independently within the organisms that reproduce sexually.

Gaurav Singh

Editor in Chief Medical Microbiology & Recombinant DNA Technology (RDT) Labs - RDT Labs Magazine

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